Thursday, April 23, 2015

Top 5 generals are back strong in the League of Legends professional

Missing for a long time, a lot of generals was hot back in the arena League of Legends professional.

Meta Game is changing over time, we must recognize the League of Legends players in the world are always finding new ways to create diversity strategy as their own brand. In this article, we look back at five new generals back though but are storming the arena justice professionals.
1. Azir
After a 5.3 version, Ahri nerfed nothing left to say, the general was missing in the professional arena for a very long period of time. Property aisle unpleasant way, traction lane and gank extremely good drainage Push the pillar stitch pattern, Azir gamers are always the high interest, especially gamers from Korea. A general are storming in the professional game quickly disappear in the next version.
Azir are back strong.
After Riot decided to increase the range of an army of sand from 325> 375, the professional players started to think about reusing Azir. Recently, in the professional league, Azir is a lot to choose generals against the likely cumulative damage but strong skills in short range as Cassiopeia, Xerath, Kassadin. Up to the present, from the professional gamer to gamer solo Queue, people are widely used Azir for myself.
2. Kassadin
Kassadin also returned recently derived from LPL Chinese league. Kassadin went through cutting range up to 5-6 times but somehow still too general Power Over compared with the current Meta. After Riot decided to nerf skill level only ephemeral French Ministry of variable speed, Kass always missing in all game modes in the game and winning percentage sharply decreased.
Then, when the buff back about 550 distance and reduces the cooldown and mana user base, the Korean Gosu start thinking of ways to pull Kassadin question towards the end of the match. At level 16, the last attack Kass has 2 second cooldown (Not to mention cooldown) should certainly be stronger than the old version. Compared with the previous point, Kass weaker at the beginning and at the end of the game was stronger.
Kassadin very dangerous if the game lasts.
Kassadin winning percentage in the arena of high professional and very popular in the recent period. Does Riot should remove this minister when Kass as well as nerf?
3. Shyvana
Maybe you still remember the metagame only 3 generals on top: Renekton, Shyvana, Jax. At that time, just accurate and correct all, Renekton winning and losing Shyvana Jax, Jax Shyvana lost in a circle. Shyvana disappeared as soon as the Minister the power of magic on top crowned as Soraka, Lulu, Ryze, Kayle ... After a long time, Shyvana to wait until version 5.7 to back with style: Punishment / Moving back by Koreans think.
With the new meta, Shyvana enjoy many advantages.
Why Shyvana back strong? Simple, holder of Punishment on the road to losing allow additional variable rate while Shyvana have access to targeted attacks without end. At the same time, Shyvana can integrate third consecutive attack hit if used often moves Trick Song Long Player (Q).
Another benefit is the entrance to the map, the general public on a map Nameless Sword Of King only help speed up pretty big hit to take Punishment activate executioner stood. Effective from the right table, winning percentage of the general high growth in the last period of time.
4. Gragas
Gragas are creating their own position in the last period. Because of the reduced strength along the power of magic, Gragas missing in position on the road. After basic energy buff with a small index, jungle style Gragas Mass Tanker showing great strength in the professional game and part-time.
Gragas had several features in the skills, the most important way end can create mutations in the fighting. Just a nice way Explosive Barrels Wine, the enemy team can be divided or knocked gunner or shaman toward teammates.
Gragas is too imbalanced as Jungle.
According to our assessment, moderately strong Gragas have the cattle and certain safety. Currently, Reksai Gragas is the perfect second choice in the professional arena.
5. Udyr
After St. Udyr Korean SKT T1 Tom wonderful performance under LCK Korean league, the players jungle world began "Learn claim" under. Unlike the previous times, Udyr truly back Compliance Permit Access Kit Tung Fire Devils with the general process at the present time. Heaven, earth and good, harmonious, professional teams compete to use Udyr in the recent period, especially Bangkok Titans team.
Tom whether Udyr best player in the world?
Udyr inherently very strong in League of Legends. However, the disadvantages suffered by the approaching enemy, the general pity to leave the arena justice professional in the long run. However, with the current Meta Game, stylish split second recruit and support beam damage with a spell helped Udyr much stronger. Reward too sweet for gamers favorite generals aggressive style has recently craftsmanship - Udyr.


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